Serving a community of faith in Pueblo for 125 years.

Past Events (Page 3)

State Fair Parade

We will be selling burritos and water in the parking lot and also along the parade line, as well as allowing parking in our lot for a donation. This is a Youth fundraiser for the National Youth Convention and a neighborhood social event.

Christmas Program practice

Our Christmas Program will be on Sunday, December 11, 2022. There will be a practice and costumes will be distributed on Saturday, December 10, 2022 at 10:00am in the Sanctuary.

Christmas Decorating and Potluck Luncheon

We will be decorating the sanctuary for Christmas on Sunday, November 27t after worship. All volunteers willing to help will be greatly appreciated! Please bring a dish (soups, sandwiches, desserts, etc.) to share together for a potluck luncheon after.

Tabor Rummage Sale

Lots of household goods, yard stuff and toys available. We will also have hot dogs, chips and drinks available.

Zoom Wednesday Lenten Reflection

Wednesday Lenten Reflection will be on Zoom all Wednesday evenings during Lent at 6:30pm. Everyone is invited to participate. We will be using Grace Unbounded as our daily devoitionals. Join Lenten Reflection Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 841 8808 4366      One tap mobile +13462487799,,84188084366# US (Houston) +16699006833,,84188084366# US (San Jose)

Ash Wednesday Service

Ash Wednesday service will be held at 12:00pm Noon. It will be a short service with a shared soup lunch held directly after service.