We will be selling burritos and water in the parking lot and also along the parade line, as well as allowing parking in our lot for a donation. This is a Youth fundraiser for the National Youth Convention and a neighborhood social event.
In-person Worship Service
Our Christmas Program will be on Sunday, December 11, 2022. There will be a practice and costumes will be distributed on Saturday, December 10, 2022 at 10:00am in the Sanctuary.
We will be decorating the sanctuary for Christmas on Sunday, November 27t after worship. All volunteers willing to help will be greatly appreciated! Please bring a dish (soups, sandwiches, desserts, etc.) to share together for a potluck luncheon after.
Lots of household goods, yard stuff and toys available. We will also have hot dogs, chips and drinks available.
Good Friday in-person service
Wednesday Lenten Reflection will be on Zoom all Wednesday evenings during Lent at 6:30pm. Everyone is invited to participate. We will be using Grace Unbounded as our daily devoitionals. Join Lenten Reflection Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 841 8808 4366 One tap mobile +13462487799,,84188084366# US (Houston) +16699006833,,84188084366# US (San Jose)
Ash Wednesday service will be held at 12:00pm Noon. It will be a short service with a shared soup lunch held directly after service.